
How to Find IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank?

Banking has changed a lot in frequent years and we have come across many changes within our banking system in India. There was a time when we had to visit the home branch of the bank frequently.

That was because we had to go there to do every single banking tasks. But now the time has changed and along with the time, the way we bank has changed. We can do many things from our place itself using the mobile banking, internet banking and other things.

I am not telling that there is no need to visiting the home branch only. We have to visit it but most of the things can be done using the advanced technologies.

We have many banks which are operating in India. Here what I mean by the word banks is the companies which are offering banking services.

Let me explain you correctly State Bank of India, Dhanlaxmi Bank, and Axis Bank are some of the banks or companies which are offering banking services.

Each of this companies has many branches across the country.

So I have a question for you how can you differentiate between the branches of the same bank or multiple banks?

The answer will be obvious and that is with the help of its name and address.

But there are few other things which are very unique in nature and can be used to differentiate or identify the bank branches.

Those things are branch code and IFSC code, these two things are different for every bank which is operating in India. Every bank’s branch has its own IFSC Code and branch code which is different.

If you are looking for a guide online which can help you to find IFSC code of Dhanlaxmi Bank. Then let me tell you that you have been landed on the right website here.

Because I will tell you the complete procedure which you need to follow to find IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank. But what is this code and for what you can use this IFSC Code?

What is IFSC Code?

IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank

So before we begin with this guide and check out how you can find IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank. Let me tell you what exactly IFSC Code means.

IFSC is the acronym for Indian Financial System Code. This code is alphanumeric which means the IFSC code can have alphabets and numbers too.

This IFSC Code is used to identify the branch of the participating banks.

We mostly make use of IFSC code of the bank branches when we are sending money using the electronic fund’s transfer systems.

How to Find IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank?

So now let us get started with this guide and check out how you can find IFSC code of Dhanlaxmi Bank. The process is very simple and you can find it by following multiple methods.

I have mentioned some of the methods below by which you can find IFSC code of Dhanlaxmi Bank. You can use any one of these methods to find the Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC Code.

Finding IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank By Visiting Home Branch

Home Branch

The first method is by visiting your Dhanlaxmi Bank home branch. Home branch is the branch of the bank where you had opened your bank account and maintain it.

All you have to do is visit your home branch and ask any of the faculty members about the IFSC code. They will provide you the code.

In most of the branches, you will find a broad which will contain all the important information like branch code, IFSC code, and other things.

Finding IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank By Calling the Customer Care

Customer Care of the Bank

The second method is by calling the customer care of the bank. You can contact them on their toll-free number which will cost you nothing.

Just call them and get yourself connected to talk with the customer care executive. Tell them that you want to know the IFSC code your branch.

They will ask you the address of the branch and will tell you the IFSC code.

Finding IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank in Bank Passbook

Bank Passbook

Whenever we open the bank account with any of the banks which are operating in India we get the bank passbook. However, some of the banks don’t have the option of passbook.

But 90% of the banks do provide their account holders the bank passbook.

This bank passbook consists many details like your name, account number, address and other things. Even the transactions that take place in your bank account can be found in this bank passbook.

Along with these things you can find the IFSC Code of the branch printed on the first page of the bank passbook.

Additional Information

There are thousands of websites online which can help you to get the IFSC code. But I never recommend by readers to check or find the IFSC code on those websites.

Because those websites are not the official website of Dhanlaxmi Bank or any other Indian Banks. Those websites are the third party and may contain errors.

If the code you get there is a wrong one then you will face lots of problems if you make the transaction with the wrong IFSC code.

And that is the reason why I have not mentioned about those third party websites here. In all the three above mentioned methods, you are getting the IFSC code from the people associated with the Dhanlaxmi Bank. So you can trust the information you receive from those people.


So this was how you can find IFSC Code of Dhanlaxmi Bank. I hope you are clear with all the details and information mentioned in this guide. But in case of any doubts, you can comment below. I will make sure you will get a reply to your comment as quickly as possible.