
How To Take Care of The Eyes after LASIK Surgery?

After the LASIK surgery, the hospital staff and the doctor prepare post-operative care to follow so that there is no risk of any complication occurring. In general, here is what to expect and how to take care of the eyes after LASIK surgery.

Recover Timeline after LASIK Surgery

Here is a general timeline of the recovery process after LASIK surgery so that you have an idea of what the recovery time looks like.

  • First 6 hours of the LASIK surgery- You may be sensitive to light and there can be some mild discomfort for the first 6 hours after LASIK surgery.
  • First 24 hours of the LASIK surgery- Cut down on screen time or if possible, do not look at a screen at all to prevent eye fatigue or strain. You have to go for a follow-up appointment within 24 hours of the procedure.
  • 1-2 weeks after LASIK surgery- Resume exercising after 7-10 days after LASIK surgery. But limit participating in contact sports to reduce the risk of any infection.
  • 4-5 weeks after LASIK surgery- You are allowed to get back to rigorous exercising or performing strenuous activities including indulging in sports. However, it is recommended to speak with your doctor first.
  • 3-6 months after LASIK surgery- By the end of 3-6months, the vision is likely to stabilize. The eyes should heal completely. Although it is quite sometime after the LASIK procedure, continue visiting the eye surgeon so that they can check the prescription and recommend the need for contact lenses or glasses. Patients with severe myopia may take extra time to recover completely.

How to take care of eyes after LASIK surgery?

take care of eyes after LASIK surgery

LASIK surgery is the surgical procedure to correct refractive errors such as myopia, hypermetropia, or astigmatism. These errors are caused when the shape of the cornea becomes irregular. Depending on the prescription and the extent of irregularity, the LASIK surgery reshapes the cornea to restore clear vision. During the procedure, a flap is created from the corneal tissue to insert a laser probe. The flap is then again replaced and sealed. However, as this is part of the procedure, proper post-operative care is important to follow. Here are some general tips provided by eye clinics such as Pristyn Care that might come in handy.

  • Neither take a shower nor wash hair for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
  • While brushing the teeth or taking a shower, make sure that you don’t put any non-sterile water into the eyes during the first couple of days of the surgery.
  • Avoid rubbing the eyes at any cost for the first two months.
  • You have to be extremely careful while taking a shower or bath. While washing the hair, shaving or applying soap, make sure that you don’t put any soap or foam inside the eyes. In any case, do not use any kind of hair sprays.
  • It is best to wait before resuming driving until you can see absolutely clearly. To be safe, consult with the eye surgeon and get his/her approval.
  • Do not go to any spas, hot tubs, saunas, whirlpools, and swimming pools for the initial weeks of the recovery period.
  • For the initial one or two weeks, cut down on the duration of screen time. For the initial 24-48 hours of the recovery, avoid looking at any screens.
  • Protect the eyes from harmful dust particles. Therefore, wear the protective eye shield throughout the day, even at night for at least a week of LASIK surgery.
  • For the first 30 days of LASIK surgery, wear sunglasses when stepping outside the home into the sunlight.
  • Doctors prescribe avoid going to crowded or dusty environments for the initial 7 days of the recovery period.
  • Avoid wearing any eye makeup or applying creams or moisturizers around the eyes for at least 2 weeks.
  • Do not participate in heavy or strenuous activities or carrying heavy objects for the first couple of weeks of the recovery period.
  • Put eye drops regularly to prevent drying of the eyes so that irritation can be prevented.
  • Do not skip any of the follow-up appointments at any cost. In case of any doubt or query, feel free to consult with the eye surgeon.

Eye drops to put after LASIK surgery

Drying of the eyes is one of the most common side-effects that occur after LASIK surgery. Due to the corneal flap made during the LASIK surgery, it affects the nerves responsible for tear production. Therefore, the eye is unable to produce enough tears to keep the eyes moist. As explained above that eye drops are important to put after LASIK surgery to prevent drying of the eyes, here are some eye drops that can help.

  • Corticosteroids- In case the dry eyes become persistent, then the eye surgeon prescribes medication for the same, known as corticosteroids. Although it can cure the symptoms quickly, this should not be used for the long-term.
  • Preservative-free eye drops- Commonly known as ‘artificial tears’, these eye drops are easily available at a chemist or pharmacist. These drops are simply for keeping the eyes moist. Make sure that you get the ones without any preservatives so that there is no harm made to the eye.

Possible complications that can occur after LASIK surgery

If you are aware of the possible risks and complications that can occur after LASIK surgery, you may understand the importance of post-operative instructions and eventually, follow these more diligently and judiciously.

  • Infection in the eyes
  • Oversized pupils
  • Dryness of the eyes
  • Glare and halos
  • Double vision
  • Astigmatism
  • Problem with the flap that leads to infections and tears
  • Regression is the vision changing back to the patient’s original prescription
  • Loss of vision
  • Change in vision
  • Undercorrection in which the laser doesn’t removes remove sufficient tissue
  • Overcorrection in which the laser removes excess tissue from the cornea


Post-operative eye care is an essential part of the treatment of LASIK surgery. It decides the extent of vision that can be restored clearly. Therefore, follow the instructions properly. Within 3-6 months of the surgery, the vision stabilizes. In case it doesn’t due to any factors, consult your eye surgeon immediately.